Number of Visitors: 625


NSBE 43rd Annual Convention

With more than 30,000 members around the world, NSBE is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. NSBE’s mission is "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community." MIT representatives will be available to discuss graduate programs and summer research opportunities.

News Code: 6

Publishing Date: 22 January 2017 0:0

NSBE ۴۳rd Annual Convention


MARCH ۲۹, ۲۰۱۷ TO APRIL ۲, ۲۰۱۷

The ۴۳rd Annual Convention will spotlight and build on NSBE’s history; strengthen members foundation of academic excellence, professional success and community.

With more than ۳۰,۰۰۰ members around the world, NSBE is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. NSBE’s mission is "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community."

MIT representatives will be available to discuss graduate programs and summer research opportunities.

Kansas City, Mo

Read about the NSBE ۴۳rd Annual Convention at

Learn about the National Society of Black Engineers at